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Reply from Ulm


History since 1945

During the air raids on the 1st and 3rd of March 1945, the East Town, the industrial part of Ulm, was especially hit. 80% of the site of the Wieland AG was destroyed.

After the move of the Wieland AG to Donautal on the outskirts of Ulm in 1982-83, an appealing residential park came to being on the former site of the factory. The city Social Services and Youth Office and the town Building Authority reside now in the administration building restored in 1945. The remnants of the old Spitalmühle stood until the 1945. The canal of the river Blau was filled in and moved to the South. The only reminder of the original course of the Blau and the mill is a stylised, flat-lying mill wheel in the plaster of the inner, respectively northern, Schwambacher Street.

Trade, energy, technology and transport have always played an important role on this square and have played it until the 80s.
