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2.-Our question:"can you describe some similar renovation program in your city ?"

The subject can be subdivided in different parts, for instance (not limitative list) :

Is there a district in your town involved in a program of "restoration" of an ancient part of the city ?

-describe in which district (map of the town, of the district, etc.)
- a bit of history
- when started the project and how is it developing ?
- any program for the future ?

Which "entities" are responsible for the program and from which authorities do they depend ?

- which organisations were set up for the implementation of the program ?
- Urban development ? Health ? Finance ? Etc.
- How is financed the project ? Do inhabitants receive subsidies or special loans ?

Which is the reaction about the results of the operation, of :

- the inhabitants of the district ?
- neighbours and visitors of the district ?
- the people managing the entities involved ?
- the members of your Group ?

Which are the comments of people about improvements which they would like to see introduced in future programs, in case of restoration of other districts ?