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    _Granada Group  
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_ _ Solill in Granada
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_ Ambrosio Benedicto
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_ _ Ricardo Garcia
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_ _ José María López
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_ _ Rafael Martos
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_ _ Maria A. Ruiz
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Ambrosio Benedicto


“I had already spent three years enrolled in the university program for older adults wherein I felt really happy tough probably needing a new challenge. Then, the possibility arose of participating in the project SOLiLL. I accepted and immediately the work started. In the beginning we were to some extent confused for we did not know exactly what was the project about and where we were going to. However, we have finally found our way and reached the end after a couple of years of work. I have realised that apart from attending courses in the University there are many other things to be done as this project. Now I have an answer to the question BEYOND ATTENDING LECTURES, WHAT ELSE?

After two years of retirement, I had lost the feeling of working in group and having work mates. The project has helped me to improve my communication with friends, sharing worries, accepting critiques, asking for collaboration, and helping others. Therefore, I have recuperated some of my ancient attitudes which risked of disappearing.

Along the project we have talked a lot about research. I had the previous belief that research was about spending your time looking through a microscope in a laboratory. Now I do know that research means much more than that; it means, for instance, meeting people in the streets and asking them for basic things so as you are able to get your to your own conclusions; it means as well visiting a governmental body and asking for the information that you need.

During my years as employee in a bank I had not had the time to get in touch with the University except to see what marks my children have got. I do know currently how get acquainted with this institution, how contacting a chair professor and asking him for collaboration, how to go from one university centre to another without feeling as I was a mere visitor.

Although I had been learning how to use the new technologies, the project SOLiLL has helped me with learning new things as the forum; moreover, I have received many emails from abroad and have responded some of them with the help of Altavista’s software for translation.

I do believe that I have done my best to create a good working climate among tutors and older persons; I feel thankful for the respect and understanding received from my group mates. I finally would like to apologise in case I have not corresponding adequately their respect and understanding they have showed towards me.”