  [ZAWiW] [gemeinsamlernen] [LiLL]
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    _Granada Group  
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_ Solill in Granada
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_ _ Ambrosio Benedicto
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_ _ Ricardo Garcia
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_ _ José María López
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_ _ Rafael Martos
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_ _ Maria A. Ruiz
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Solill in Granada


6. Problems encountered

We have found six relatively small problem areas:

1.  The learning method, ´ learning by doing ´, necessary for the command of the new technology, requires a great deal of practice. This is very difficult for some members of the group, who do not have personal computers, or, if so, do not have Internet. It is very difficult to learn how to do something only by listening. Really, it is absolutely necessary to have access to a computer.                        
2.  When we attempt to learn something new, of which we know absolutely nothing, we have to find out what it is we need to ask questions about; we do not even know what it is that we do not know!            
3.  Something which is surprising for us, and perhaps a little bit more difficult for us senior citizens, is that there are always tricks in the use of the computer. We are accustomed to following the instructions and attempting to comply with them.       
4.  It is also very important to have something real to learn. This gives us the impetus to go on. 
5. If we are going to increase our learning of computing skills, in the style of formal education, we must think about the optimum number of students in a class, the number of computers available, and the time available.  

6.  We should also consider putting each part of the formal learning in a time frame. Without clear objectives, it can always be left until tomorrow…mañana!

The most important difficulty has been that of communicating with the other groups.
Most people are working in a language not their first. We have tried various translation devices, but these have been most unsatisfactory.

We will be really happy to talk about this in more detail with anyone who would like to afterwards, and during the conference.