  [ZAWiW] [gemeinsamlernen] [LiLL]
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  Dreieck nach obenGemeinsamLernen  
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  Dreieck nach obenSelbstorganisierte Lerngruppen in Europa
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  Dreieck nach obenErfahrungsberichte
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    _Granada Gruppe  
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_ Seite 1 von 7 >
_ Inhalt
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_ Solill in Granada
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_ _ Ambrosio Benedicto
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_ _ Ricardo Garcia
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_ _ José María López
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_ _ Rafael Martos
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_ _ Maria A. Ruiz
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Solill in Granada


Die Ergebnisse der SoLiLL Gruppe aus Granada liegen nur in Englisch vor.

SoLiLL in Granada.
Our new experience of self-learning in group.

„A presentation from the European Multiplikator Workshop "Learning together over the Internet”, Ulm, November 2001

Margaret Craig, María Angustias Ruiz
Ramón Ramos, Pedro Cano

Aula Permanente de Formación Abierta
University of Granada (SPAIN)

1. Introduction

I would like to begin by thanking the Uni of Ulm, and especially the ZAWIW group, for inviting us and the other 5 members of the Solill project to this conference. We are delighted to be here, and to be able to get to know all of you.

Let me show you on the map where the various groups are located.

Only 3 of our senior members have been able to make the trip, but the others send their best wishes, and say that they are here in spirit, as we hope to show you as we go along.

Our presentation comes in four parts:

  • María- Angustias is going to talk to you about the group, and I will translate.
  • Afterwards, Ramón will discuss the methodology we used, and the results of our research.
  • I will finish our presentation with some thoughts on self-learning, and a brief description of some of the difficulties we encountered.