  [ZAWiW] [gemeinsamlernen] [LiLL]
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    _Granada Group  
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_ Solill in Granada
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_ _ Ambrosio Benedicto
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_ _ Ricardo Garcia
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_ _ José María López
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_ _ Rafael Martos
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_ _ Maria A. Ruiz
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Solill in Granada


5. Self-Learning

We have discussed the types of learning, and decided that not all learning is self-learning. The majority is, but we must also make clear, that we have learned much from others, in the group, and outside it, which is very enriching.

Our group has acquired a knowledge of self-learning, basing ourselves in our group work, in observation and in the discoveries made in our research. This has given us a greater ability to use information, and to adopt new strategies, all of this together with the other members of the Granada group.

We have noticed differences in the styles of learning. Each person has to choose his/her favourite style, as well as the type of learning most appropriate, to what is to be learned.

There are some members of the group who prefer to work alone, others in pairs, some independent, others more dependent.

We must know WHAT we ought to learn:

  • names of the members of the group, yes
  • the number of houses constructed of stone, wood, etc., no… this would be a waste of time; we have to know only where to find the information.