  [ZAWiW] [gemeinsamlernen] [LiLL]
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  Dreieck nach obenSelf-organised Learning Groups in Europe
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    _Granada Group  
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_ _ Solill in Granada
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_ _ Ambrosio Benedicto
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_ _ Ricardo Garcia
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_ José María López
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_ _ Rafael Martos
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_ _ Maria A. Ruiz
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José María López


El resultado ha sido una experiencia muy positiva, tanto en la Fase de Investigación (en bibliotecas, consultas, relaciones, conferencias, etc.), como en la organización, desarrollo, sesiones de trabajo, comunicaciones y viajes, dirigido por nuestro coordinador y profesor D. Mariano Sánchez.”

“In the beginning I foresaw the following five major objectives to be achieved in our project:

  1. Using at ease the computer.
  2. Updating our knowledge about the amazing world of computers and Internet.
  3. Establishing communication with new good people.
  4. Fostering relationships with foreign persons with different ideas, life and habits.
  5. Bringing in my humble contribution for the benefit of generations of older persons who shall came later.

Among those five objectives, only three have been actually attained. Objectives number one and two have been widely achieved: Not only have we been introduced to basic software and Internet, but our professor, Mr. P. Cano, has taught us a lot of new stuff of great interest. Moreover, he has been able to motivate me to become more interested in the use of computers. In what regards objective number three we have no doubt gone from just a group of colleagues to a real group of friends. The fourth objective has not been accomplished for the language barrier and the lack of agreement to use virtual translators had impeded more interpersonal communication among the participants in the project SoLiLL. In order to see if objective number five becomes a reality we have to wait several years.

Summarising, the project has constituted a very positive experience not only along the research stage (developed in libraries, through consultants, presentations, etc.) but during the inception, development, working sessions, communications and trips, under the coordination of Mr. Mariano Sanchez”.