  [ZAWiW] [gemeinsamlernen] [LiLL]
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Evaluation Grid


Istituto Rezarra, Vicenza


The student:

  • is able to take notes
    a) while studying
    b) while interviewing
  • demonstrates he/she understands
    a) messages
    b) the heart of the matter
  • perceives the characters' roles
  • considers the different points of views
  • organizes experiences
  • participates in the conversation
  • looks for the causes and the effects of historical events
  • knows the principles of historiographic work 
  • is able to analyze a document
  • effects the comparative analysis of different sources
  • can detach himself/herself from his point of view to accept corrections and advice
  • can express his experiences
  • makes observations and comments
  • recognizes the core of a situation
  • reports only loose elements
  • organically reports data from different sources
  • organically reports data from a single source
  • manages to express his thoughts synthetically
  • highlights the main events with a logical order