  [ZAWiW] [gemeinsamlernen] [LiLL]
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  Dreieck nach obenGemeinsamLernen  
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  Dreieck nach obenSelf-organised Learning Groups in Europe
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_ _ Introduction
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_ Virtual Learning
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_ _ Learning through Research
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_ _ Evaluation Criteria
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_ _ Procedure
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_ _ Self-managed learning
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Virtual Learning


3. Learning through communication:

  • Electronic mail, pin boards, forums, chats, computer conferences;
  • Audio and video conferences (netmeeting, video conference).
  • Supporting through photos and biographical notes. Specific social arrangement.
  • Arbeitsprojekte.

4. Learning through management.

  • Connecting external and internal memory:
  • searching, finding, testing, comparing, relating.

5. Learning through representation and simulation.

  • Supported by special graphic and presentation programmes as well as by multimedia.
  • Principle of multimodality: Many sensory channels are involved.
  • DPresentation of what has been learnt (products in the form of presentations, websites, reports) is an instrument of communication and co-operation and an integrated part of the group learning processes.
  • Motivation for the learning process through mainfold application.