  [ZAWiW] [gemeinsamlernen] [LiLL]
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Learning through Research


Learning through research

An introduction by Carmen Stadelhofer (ZAWiW ,Universität Ulm)

Learning through research is in its content close to the following concepts

  • Learning through discovery,
  • Problem-oriented learning,
  • genetic learning,
  • Critical learning,
  • Project learning.

“The above mentioned concepts have in common that in their understanding of learning. The learner determines, tests and reflects learning targets and learning ways in an active, self-determined and independent way. This differentiates this kind of learning from receptive learning, in which contents are received, memorised and when needed repeated“. (Bönsch 1991, p. 198).

Science is seen here not as a „static possession of particular techniques and knowledge“, but as a dynamic process of research and observation“, in which the learner takes part. (cf. BAK 1970, p. 9).