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Self-managed learning


Self-managed learning as a challenge in the knowledge society

Carmen Stadelhofer

Theses to Life-long Learning

1. We are on the way to “knowledge society”!

We live in time shaped by
  • deep demographic changes
  • rapid transformation in technology, science and economy.
These factors effect and change in a decisive way the life styles and life conditions of all people and the state of the society.

2. What is “knowledge society”?

The people of today and of tomorrow have to
  • process more information
  • cope with social developments and critical situations
  • make more decisions

The growth of tomorrow is the growth of knowledge.
Knowledge is different to pure reception of information.
Knowledge is conscious organisation of information and its assessment according to meaning.
These developments are expressed in the term “knowledge society”.

3. The meaning of life-long learning

These developments demand from all people - independent of sex and age, education, social position - the willingness to learn and to accept individual and social responsibility.

Learning to see learning as "mediation of the ability to coping with problems" becomes itself a learning goal of prime importance.

(Continuing) education is no longer a privilege, but a basic necessity in order to be able to follow social and economic changes and to influence them.