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  Dreieck nach obenSelf-organised Learning Groups in Europe
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_ Self-managed learning
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Self-managed learning


4. Self-managed learning becomes a central issue in the “knowledge society”

With "self-managed learning" a learning is understood, "in which the learner steers in essence his/her own learning process" (Dohmen, 1997) and that he/she decides to a large degree alone if, what and when, how and with which goal he/she learns.

5. The four necessary prerequisites for self-managed learning (key qualifications)

  • the ability for life-long learning in the way of disposing over formal strategies of learning to cope with new learning demands
  • the ability to place the learn process in social contexts as a basic prerequisite for an active participation in forming our world
  • the ability to acquire orientation knowledge of larger thematic contexts
  • the ability to acquire detailed knowledge in selected areas in the way of deepening individual thematic contexts (Stadelhofer, 1999)

6. The meeting of informal and formal education

Educational and learning processes encompass all life spheres of people. Informal education as "situation-related experience learning" and formal education as "systematic learning" (Dohmen, 1997) are closely related.

Self-managed learning includes application of experience learning and informal learning.

7. Learning through research as an example of self-managed learning

"Learning through research" encompasses understanding of learning, in which the learner determines, tests and reflects own learning goals in a self-managed and self-responsible way.
"Learning trough research" is realised through
  • individual work
  • work in autonomous learning groups
  • co-operation in research projects

The method of "learning through research" makes possible,
  • that older people select and work on forgotten or unexploited research subjects or draw attention to not yet researched facts
  • that older students' attitudes and their professional and life experiences are considered in the design of research projects
  • to learn about ageing and about social issues and at the same time about the way how ageing and social issues are researched

The tasks of the teachers are those of a teaching moderator, they consist in the initiation of project groups and their accompaniment from search for a subject through to documentation of results.
The new information and communication technologies can strengthen self-determination as well as the independent research work of the learners.
At the University of Ulm, in context of scientific continuing education of older people, there are currently 18 project groups consisting of 6-15 senior students each, working in the way of "learning through research" on subjects of their choice from the areas of medicine, natural and social sciences, economy, humanities and informatics.
