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Self-managed learning


11. New communication technologies as an opportunity for self-managed learning

  • independence from place and time
  • motivation of the learner through fascination of technology
  • new experiences and with it also new learning areas
  • easier, quicker and cheaper access to information
  • support for the conventional learning processes
  • new forms of learning through media presentations
  • interactive approach to learning materials, playful simulation of problem situations within framework of role plays
  • possibility of world-wide communication with learning partners, study consultants and experts
  • possibility of steering of the learning process through self-determined processes with learning materials
  • great choice of materials and methods in learning process,
  • learning with hypertexts ("Hyperlearning")
    (Stadelhofer, 1999)

12. "Management of own learning" as a challenge

Following skills have to be either newly learned or further developed:
  • enjoyment of learning
  • self-initiation of learning processes
  • choosing own learning materials and finding learning advice
  • classification of own learning processes into higher ranking contexts
  • critical handling of learning contents and learning materials
  • self-reflection as well as reflection of social contexts, etc.

Traditional learning schemes oppose the demand for life-long self-managed learning.

13. The principle of equality of opportunity has to form the basis of all possibilities of the use of technologies

From this follows:
  • basic provision has to be made for use of new knowledge for all people, irrespective of sex, age, education, social position, nationality
  • free or low cost access to the new communication technologies has to be created widely
  • developed have to be user-friendly applications
  • developed have to be methods for specific target groups for the introduction and use of the new communication technologies
  • set up have to be service and information centres

Carmen Stadelhofer, Selbstgesteuertes Lernen und neue Kommunikationstechnologien. Gutachten für das BMBF, Mai 1998. In: Dohmen, Günther: Weiterbildungsinstitutionen, Medien, Lernumwelten. Rahmenbedingungen und Entwicklungshilfen für das selbstgesteuerte Lernen. herausg. vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, Bonn 1999, s. 147-208.