Zentrum für Allgemeine Wisseschaftliche Weiterbildung der Universität Ulm

ZAWiW's task is in the development and testing of innovative methods in adult education, with focus on fostering self-organised learning of older adults with the support of the new media. The concept "learning through research" had been already tested in many of ZAWiW's working groups (Forschendes Lernen). Members of the working group "AK Frauengeschichte" (Women's history) participate actively in this project and have cooperated on the development of the project concept.

ZAWiW has many years of experience in the coordination of European projects. The coordination of the European network SoLiLL and eLiLL. It cooperated as partner in international projects such as the development of Train-the-Trainer courses in ICT4 and Senior Learning. Zawiw has much experience in the development of methods for accessing the Internet for older people - project (SII), in the initiation of virtual learning and working groups on a national and international level (gemeinsam lernen, Lerncafé, SoLiLL, EUCONET , Townstories, Danube-Networkers and others) and in the technical realistation of multimedia projects.