“Angel Kanchev” University of Ruse
The University of Rousse has long traditions in education and in carrying out projects on local, national and international levels, among them implemented projects within the CEEPUS and other programs as well as the participation in Erasmus thematic networks and intensive programs. The numbers of implemented programs and projects are: 95 in LLP (ERASMUS, ERSMUS MUNDUS, COMENIUS, MINERVА, LEONARDO da VINCI, GRUNDTVIG), 3 in CEEPUS and 12 in FP6 & FP7, 1 CIR-CE, 3 NATO, etc. The University has a total of 498 academic staff members, including 31 Full Professors and 177 Assoc. Professors, 12 DSc degree holders and 269 PhD degree holders. Establishing the centre for European Integration, International Cooperation and Mobility has strengthened the research and scientific sector of University of Rousse.
The University of Rousse, named after Angel Kanchev, is situated in a city with a nineteen- century history, a place, where alongside the rich architectural, industrial and cultural heritage there also live the enterprising national spirit and the deeply rooted European influences. Our University is the successor of the first national higher technical school outside the capital of Bulgaria, established in 1954. As a result of its long traditions and the support of the European Union through the TEMPUS programme, all technical courses have been updated and diversified. Also, a wide spectrum of new courses has been introduced in the fields of technology, the humanities, management and economics.
More than 12 000 students are taught in modern laboratories and classrooms. Half of all faculty members are full professors and associate professors, or hold doctoral degrees. The International Students Department, one of the four national centres of its kind, offers reparatory courses in Bulgarian. The tradition and the geographical location of the University of Rousse determine its mission and its strategic role of an educational, scientific and intellectual center of the Rousse Region and North-East Bulgaria on both the national and the international levels. The University of Rousse offers very good on-campus accommodation for 2 400 students. There are eight student hostels, two of which are for families. The student refractory, cafeterias, the medical center, the kindergarten and creche, the post office and job center, the shops and the entertainment center are all in the same part of the campus.
University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”, Rousse, Bulgaria
8, “Studentska” St, 7017 Ruse
Nikolay Mihailov and Emiliya Velikova
E-mails: mihailov@uni-ruse.bg
and evelikova@uni-ruse.bg; emivelikova@yahoo.com
Phone: (+359) 885 635 874
Fax: (+359 82) 888 650