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Minutes from the 2nd partner meeting
Brno, 19-23 Februrary 2003

The partners presented projects and activities with focus on the Internet and its use by seniors from their home countries and abroad. The meeting also included a session in computer pools, where the participants could test and train working together on joint documents via NetMeeting.

Presentations from the meeting will be prepared for the Internet by the partners and presented under the heading Model Projects and the name of the respective country in the project homepage

The minutes will therefore concentrate only on points of common interest which will not appear in the project website.

1. !!!Please note!!!

As agreed, all partners will send Gaby Körting their presentations especially relevant to the project goals. These will be already prepared for the Internet. This should happen by the middle of April 2003 to allow time to work the material into the homepage and to study this material before the next partner meeting in June in Vicenza, where the national projects should be discussed and compared.

All partners will send Lenka Shromazdilova the titles of their presentations with authors' names as well as the names of the team members making the presentation so that she can post the Agenda on the Internet.

A complete list of participants in the meeting to be sent by Brno to Ulm to supplement the Minutes.

2. Partners' reports

  • Seniors in Prague work on a Internet Portal http://sen.felk.cvut.cz/sen/. One of their larger projects is a study on the "History of Computers" and they invite other EuCoNet partners to make contributions to this subject.
  • A case study on motivation of using ICT was conducted with approx. 300 people.
  • A proposal for the Homepage - a "Photo of the Month" - a contest. Each partner will send a photo which they think is the best. All the proposed photos will be displayed on the website and the best voted for.
  • Are preparing a flyer and poster for local organisations. Have made contact with University of Padova concerning psychological approach to Internet use.
  • Will provide better information about activities in Italy.
  • Have written articles for newspapers for dissemination.
  • Have presented a computer/Internet course book with CD-ROM.
  • A survey on the use of the Internet and feedback on courses was made by this group. Another survey for those people not attending such courses will be made.
  • Planned is work with nursing homes - conducting computer/Internet courses with pensioners.
  • A CD with information about the University of the Third Age in Bratislava is in work.
  • Stressed the communication aspects of the Internet.
  • Started preparing a booklet containing articles and other project materials which will serve as basis for the project report.
  • Ulm announced that two new organisations are applying with their National Agencies for participation in the project in the second year. These are seniors' studies organisations at:
  • University of Jyväskylä in Finland and University of Alicante in Spain
  • Presented was the project homepage and the latest contributions to the homepage from partners as well as own team.
  • Carmen Stadelhofer pointed out that due to lack of financing of personnel costs in Grundtvig 2 projects, to continue the joint work, applications for larger projects with financing of personnel must be made next year. Proposal to be developed further in Vicenza.

3. Country Internet project/activity information

The partners were reminded that they represent their country, not only their organisation, and that more information should be provided about important projects in their countries. Not only activities based at Universities should be included, but also relevant projects and activities of other organisations such as adult education centres, seniors' clubs, town initiatives, pensioners' associations, etc. This can be researched in the Internet or information can be requested from ministries or other central bodies.

4. Information about e-learning

The partners should gather and prepare in a systematic way information about e-learning projects and activities in their countries and send it to Ulm for the homepage.

5. Forthcoming partner meetings

Vicenza - 19-23 June 2003
Partners in Vicenza need to know by the end of March 2003 how many people from each country will come to the meeting

Glasgow - 10-14 September 2003
Costs are likely to be higher than in other meetings. Hotel costs: L56 double room, L50 single room, L24 bed at the campus.
Val Bissland will send to the EuCoNet mailing list a link to cheap flight agencies

Alicante - proposed were the 3-7 December or 10-14 December 2003. Partners in Alicante will confirm.

Bratislava - 17-20 June 2004

6. Technical issues

Sending large files
Leave the files on own server and send ZAWiW the link to it.
Alternative: send simple text with pictures separately, noting where in the text they belong

Computers from Germany
Seniors in Germany (Babs and Ada Liebelt) have offered to make an action to get used computers for the seniors involved in the project. This idea was generally welcomed by the partners.

Czech names
Spelling of Czech names in the central website is not always correct. A proposal for solution to be made by Prague and Brno.

7. Survey

It was agreed by the partners, that a survey similar to that conducted by Prague and Bratislava should be carried out by all partners to create a common basis for comparison and exchange. The questionnaire prepared by Bratislava was already adapted and extended by Ulm and sent to all partners for comments. A survey in Ulm is planned in the week 24-30 March 2003.

8. Action plan

Partners responsible
Inform partners in Vicenza how many people from each country will come to the meeting in June All partners End of March
Send Gaby Körting their presentations from the Brno meeting (incl. names of authors) already prepared for the Internet. All partners mid-April
Send Lenka Shromazdilova the titles of their presentations with authors' names as well as the names of the team members making the presentation. All partners mid-April
A complete list of participants in the meeting to be sent by Brno to Ulm to supplement the Minutes. ZAWiW Brno mid-April
The data from the common survey must be available in time in order to allow time for analysis and summary of the results. All partners End of June
Collection of case studies (how to come to the Internet, motivation, etc.) All partners End of April
Collection of model projects from the participating countries (not only from the partners', but also from OTHER organisations in own country! such as adult education centres, seniors' clubs, town initiatives, pensioners' associations) All partners mid-April
The partners to gather and prepare in a systematic way information about e-learning projects and activities in their countries and send it to Ulm All partners End of May
A "Photo of the Month" - a contest. Each partner will send a photo which they think is the best. All the proposed photos will be displayed on the website and the best voted for. All partners mid-April
A study written about the learning styles and the Internet Vicenza End of April
Structure of PC/Internet courses & concept for self-organised and productive Internet use Bratislava, Brno, UlmAlready in work, concept to be developed End of May
Examples of good computer usage: e.g. example for collaborative learning with the help of computer and the Internet: self-organised, moderated learning groups on different subjects (approach of "learning through research") Brno End of May
Link list of useful resources - e.g how to use computer, introductions to the Internet and e-mail, BBC courses, search engines, etc. All partners throughout the project
All other materials for the website that may be useful

  • posters
  • handouts
  • course previews
  • comments from students reports and case studies
  • self-evaluation of the level of knowledge incl. self-tests for evaluation
  • questionnaires: online and paper versions
  • organisational notes - hints and instructions to people running the course

handouts for students - on subjects which were studied, e.g. how to use search engines, etc.

All partners throughout the project
To test: Keyboard learning programme Glasgow By the end of June