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_ Academy of Education
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_ _ E-Learning for adults
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_ _ Internet Self-help action
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_ _ Libraries Project
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_ _ Self-help in Practice
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_ _ Structured PC Course
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A C A D E M Y   of   E D U C A T I O N

The Academy of Education is the oldest Slovak institution for educating adults, including the seniors. It is independent, non-governmental, and non-profit-making civil organization. In general it focuses on adults education, and the improvement professional, cultural and social skills, and it embraces elements of humanism, democracy and political pluralism.

Info-age which we live in, and the associated fast development of information technologies influences education requirements on employees in all areas. The Academy of Education reflects this situation by creating information technology courses in which students get the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills for work with the required software applications. Students can learn and become familiar with MS Word in Windows environment, for numerical calculation and for accounting it could be MS Excel and special accounting programs, for data-base administrators there are lessons in MS Access, for presenters there is MS Power Point and for those who want to create and modify Web-pages (company or personal) there is a course how to create home pages. MS Outlook courses are popular mainly by managerial assistants as well as by the wide public.

Philosophy of the Academy of Education resists on:

  • accessibility for everyone
  • availability for all socio-economic groups
  • consistent and unified quality system of education services
  • large and varied program
  • ability to create and tailor for specific needs of the students
  • broad source of qualified lectures and employees from Slovakia
  • fast application of new achievements
  • non-profit making organization
  • to be a modern institution, active in education
  • to prepare people of the various professional areas for the life in the United Europe
  • to contribute to an improvement of human resources in particular regions of Slovakia and its joining to the EU

The results of the work of the Academy of Education are:

  • more than 80.000 students in a year
  • more than 14.000 students obtained an accredited certificates valid in Slovakia
  • the Academy of Education has contracts of cooperation with important domestic and foreign partners
  • the Academy of Education is a member of the European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA)

The offered courses dealing with PC and new information technologies are recognized by Department of Education. The graduates obtain a certificate valid everywhere in Slovak Republic. Beside that, the Academy of Education assists in obtaining European Computer Certificate accepted not only on the domestic labour market, but mainly in the European Union countries.
In Slovakia, there are 37 centers of the Academy of Education. At present 15 centers offer 24 courses dealing with the new information technologies and PC. Beside courses for adults, there are possibilities even for children, where the kids can on a playful way learn the first steps of the work with PC.

PhDr Nadezda Hrapkova