  [TownStories] [gemeinsamlernen] [LiLL]
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  Dreieck nach obenGemeinsamLernen  
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  Dreieck nach obenEuCoNet
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  Dreieck nach obenModel Projects
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_ up - home
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_ _ Peer Teaching
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_ _ Academy of Education
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_ E-Learning for adults
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_ _ Internet Self-help action
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_ _ Libraries Project
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_ _ Self-help in Practice
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_ _ Structured PC Course
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E-Learning for adults

E-learning for adults in Slovakia

At the present time we do not have e-learning courses for seniors in Slovakia. Our seniors prefer to meet in the classrooms and discuss their problems face to face. Other reason for not having e-learning courses for seniors is the high cost for the private internet connection. One of the possibilities, how to start e-learning courses for our seniors to attend the courses at the Center for continuing education at the University of Economics in Bratislava, which offers courses as you see below:


n. Subject of study Scheduled time duration
1. Management at work and in Business May-June 2003 36 hours
2. Marketing May-June 2003 36 hours
3. Company Finances May-June 2003 36 hours

During year 2003 e-learning form of education will be available to first applicants. These courses are organized for all those who are able of self-learning (using a computer), work independently and who are able to utilise consultations via internet. Every student will be allotted with a unique access name and password for access to this scheme for the duration of licence ( 1 modul - 1 month).

In 2003 the following modules will be available for study via this progressive method: Management at work and in Business, Marketing, Company Finances. The study will incorporate self-learning combined with conducting self-valuation tests, consultations with a professional adviser via internet and the preparation of a final project paper.

Those interested who prefer to study from textbooks will be offered a form of distance learning. The communication with the adviser will conducted via mail, phone, fax or alternatively via e-mail at an address to be advised.