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EuCoNet - situation in Slovakia

PhDr Nadezda Hrapkova

The school system of Slovakia comprises 2477 primary schools, 848 high schools of several types and orientation and 21 institutions of higher learning mostly of university type.
The plan to introduce information to the school system has been in existence for sometime. The state apparatus did however not initiate it. A project called "Infovek" was prepared by a few academics as early as in 1999 and was subsequently accepted by the Department of Education. If there had been sufficient finances available from the state budget, all Slovak schools, including the primary ones, could have been connected by now. Educators introduced to work with Internet are expected to further disseminate their knowledge among their local community. Schools connected to the Internet should also offer access to it for the general public in addition to their standard curriculum.
Apart from the "Infovek" project, the Slovak Telecom Company also contributes to information of the school system. In the past "Infovek" representatives criticised the company for not offering schools free access to Internet according to practice of operators in western countries (including Deutsche Telecom). In 2002 Slovak Telecom through a project called eSlovakia agreed invite an unlimited number of schools with access costing 1000 SK a month by the year 2004. "Infovek" will reimburse this fee. A number of 850 schools participated in "Infovek" but eSlovakia will be available to others too. Today "Infovek" assisted to connect 850 schools and a further 270 schools are connected by eSlovakia. Project co-ordinators expect that the total number of schools connected by the end of this year may reach the number of 1700, which is not satisfactory as the total number of primary and secondary schools exceeds 3000. 500 schools does not qualify for connection by eSlovakia since does not fulfil a basic requirement to own at least three computers and to have at least one person able to act as a system manager.

The level of information in the society cannot be reduced to mean how extensive is Internet use as the extent of internet use depends on fulfilling certain requirements such as the level of personnel computer usage, the availability of an up to date telecommunication infrastructure offering low fees for internet users etc.

For more information refer to the WebPages: www.infovek.sk

Internet use by countries

Country % of the population
USA 58
Norway 56
Denmark 54
Holland 46
Czech republic 22
Poland 15
Slovakia 9

Source: The Taylor Nelson Sofres Interactive-Global eCommerce Report, July 2000

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