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PC and Internet courses in the Slovakia

PhDr Nadezda Hrapkova
Institution Participants target groups Courses Extension, Duration Evaluation Type of learning
Universities of the Third Age, together in 10 cities Seniors over 50 Computers and Information technologies, Internet(in 6 cities) 14 lectures (à 2hours) per year 2-3 years unaccredited Symbolic diploma Traditional(presence)
Centers of continuing education at universities Adults Computers and Information technologies, Internet courses and training 1.maximum1 year according to theindividual abilities, time possibilities 2. regular courses 1.Accredited - Bc, which includes subject Introduction to Internet2.unaccredited - certificate 1. Distant
Academies of educationTogether in 37 cities Adults Computers, Informational technologies, Internet(in 15 cities) various various Accredited and unaccreditedCertificate, International computer passport Traditional(presence)

Methods: Traditional classical methods (lectures, discussions, exercises, examinations-preliminary, final (UTA, Academies). Distance education, E-learning (Centers).

Main goals: to master working on computer, to motivate seniors for using of computers, to use Internet possibilities, to achieve computer literacy of elderly.

  • our computer courses have been run for 8 years and were good example for other UTA in Slovakia
  • discussions via Internet (e.g Paltalk) we can see at the Center of continuing education at
Technical university in Bratislava. We don't have possibilities at UTAs to practice internet discussions yet.

The scope of effect: Number of UTAs offering computer and Internet courses increased from 5 UTAs to 6 and in whole Slovakia present number of students reached 263 in (2003/2004).

The Association of Slovak Universities of the Third Age doesn't have own homepage. The members of ASUTV are going to work on it from September 2003. This is one of its goals, which were designed for this year.
In the meanwhile we have listed links to other universities in Slovakia providing a possibility to contact them:

1. Universities of the Third Age with their own homepage:

UTA at Comenius University, Bratislava: www.uniba.sk/utv

UTA at Slovak technical university,Bratislava: www.stuba.sk/svk1/icv/utv.html

UTA at the University of Matej Bel in Banska Bystrica: www.rekt.umb.sk

UTA at the University of Zilina: www.utc.sk/lsdv/u3v.html

Universities of the Third Age which don't have own homepage

UTA at the Technical university in Košice: www.tuke.sk

University of Constantinus Philosofer in Nitra: www.ukf.sk

University of Trnava: www.truni.sk

University of Trencin: www.tnuni.sk

Slovak agricultural university in Nitra: www.spu.sk

Technical university in Zvolen: www.tuzvo.sk