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    Dreieck nach obenEating culture / Bread  
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    Dreieck nach obenBread Culture Survey  
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    _Results Lyon  
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Results Lyon


The respect for the bread in the past

21 people out of 22 confirm that there was more respect for the bread in the past than nowadays. The explanations given point in majority the lack of the bread (the war) and the crowned characteristic of the bread (religion)

Economy of the bread in the past

Continuation and continuity of the preceding question where the questioned people specify and point out the usual principles with respect to the bread (in report at the difficult periods):

- "one does not throw the bread"
- "one does not waste the bread"
- Manufacture of the ‘pain perdu’ (lost bread) not to throw the bread

Sometimes, the financial reasons carried out to save food and in particular the bread.

Conservation of the bread in the past

2 people specify that ‘before, the bread was preserved longer.’ In order to preserve the bread, one quotes the conservation in a cloth (6 people) or in a bread bin (4 people).

A person indicates that there was not before a better conservation than nowadays.

To like to eat bread

1 person out of 22 does not like so much to eat bread.For the 21 other answers, the people like to eat bread.

Can one do without the bread ?

No significant difference between the answers given to this question.