  [ZAWiW] [gemeinsamlernen] [LiLL]
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  Dreieck nach obenGemeinsamLernen  
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  Dreieck nach obenSelf-organised Learning Groups in Europe
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  Dreieck nach obenWork Results
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    Dreieck nach obenEating culture / Bread  
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    _Bread Culture Survey  
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_ home
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_ Introduction
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_ _ Questionnaire
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_ _ Results Arnhem
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_ _ Results Budejovice
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_ _ Results Granada
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_ _ Results Lyon
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_ _ Results Vicenza
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_ _ Results Ulm
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_ _ Result Summary
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In this section you will find the questionnaires (respectively interview guidelines) developed and used by the project groups U3A Jihoceska Universita in Ceske Budejovice, U3A in Vicenza and ZAWiW in Ulm as well as the results of the surveys.

The three partners in the "Eating Culture/Bread" team have agreed to take a joint questionnaire on the subjects traditions and daily habits/rituals as a basis for the common research work.
First a proposal for a questionnaire about eating habits from U3A Vicenza was translated, analysed and commented upon and with an addition of questions from Ulm concerning bread traditions and customs sent to UTA Ceske Budejovice, where these were combined, extended and built into a common questionnaire of 48 questions.
This common questionnaire (respectively guideline) was again translated, tested and commented by all three partners. In Vicenza and Ulm, for the survey in their countries, it was reduced to a limited number of essential questions.
Throughout this process, language and culture differences, as well as different working practices in each of the partner institutes became apparent.

The final product for the common international work is a core of 7 questions with international relevance combined with questionnaires of own cultural relevance for each of the three countries.
This shortened questionnaire was used as basis for research also by seniors in Aula Permanente in Granada, U3A Arnhem and Université tous Agés in Lyon.

As a guest participant in the project, using the questionnaire developed by the three partners, the University of the Third Age in Bratislava has contributed to this research with their study on Bread in Slovakia.
( Please see section   > “Additional Materials” )