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    Dreieck nach obenEating culture / Bread  
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    Dreieck nach obenRegional Breads  
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    _Regional Breads Granada  
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_ Home Baked
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Home Baked



  1. two hundred grams of yeast.
  2. 5 kg of flour.
  3. about 5 litres of water

Cuartilla.- cuarta parte de una fanega.
Fanega.- medida de capacidad para árido, que tiene 12 celedines y equivale a unos 55 litros.

Mix the ingredients together well with the hands, without using any machine whatsoever, cover ithe dough with a damp cloth, and leave it to rise for a couple of hours, then cut it into pieces of about 4 pounds, which is the appropriate size for the oven.

In those days there were no electric ovens. The ovens were wood-fired.
The fire was lit, and when the baker decided that the temperature was right, the bread was put to bake.
As the miller was paid with an amount of wheat, so the baker was paid for the use of the common oven, in ratio to the amount of bread baked.