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Reply from Ulm


2. Offensive Aging (Offensives Altern e.V.)

Women of different generations help each other. Example in Berlin.

The association Offensives Altern e.V. developed from an autonomous women's group, with older and younger women as members. Mutual support should contribute to ageing with dignity and optimism. The housing project came to being in 1980. The group of women has searched for a house, in which many women can live together and where they could realise their idea of community. In 1982 this finally came true - with the co-operation of the Berlin Building and Apartment Society in Berlin Buckow an apartment house came to being in which women of various generations live and help each other, also women with children, old and young together.

Description: The lodgers / members are 23 women of various ages (26 to 70 years) and 15 children. There are 24 apartments of various sizes. Common spaces are a big room for social events with kitchen, garden, play room in the basement for children, flat for guests.
Special services include mutual help for shopping or support for the school children's homework, regular meetings and parties in the social room, also cultural events. The group plans a common vacation trip in the summer. In the basement is an office for public relation work.

Click >>here to read more about Offensives Altern e.V. (in german only)