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Reply from Ulm


Interview with "Altenpflegefamilie" Monika und Siegfried Niebius 7.02.2002

HORST SCHWIEBERT (SCHWIEBERT): What is the number and age of family members?
SIEGFRIED NIEBIUS (NIEBIUS): Currently there are 4 old members to be cared for of ages 81, 88, 85 and 82 years, the parents are 50 and 47 years old, the children are 19, 23, 25 and 26 years and grandchildren, 1,5 and 3 years old.

SCHWIEBERT: How big is the private house/real estate/size of garden?
NIEBIUS: The house has a living area of 320 m². Real estate: 500 m². Garden: 250 m². We live next to a forest where one can go for a walk. On the paths we have erected benches for the members of the house so that they can rest when taking a walk.

SCHWIEBERT: Do both of you have qualifications in the nursing sector?
NIEBIUS: My wife is a qualified care specialist as well as a children's nurse with the following qualifications: care service management, home management. I am a qualified nurse with additional qualifications in the sector of psychiatry and neurology, care service management, home management, basics in business management in the area of welfare.

SCHWIEBERT: Do the accepted lodgers have access to the social rooms and garden?
NIEBIUS: All members of the family have their own living areas. The common rooms like kitchen, dining room, living room, garden etc. are open for all members.

SCHWIEBERT: What is the average age of the lodgers? From which age onwards will
they be admitted?
NIEBIUS: The average age is presently 84 years. We had already younger lodgers. The admitted age does not play an important role, but as a rule, mostly older people join our family.