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Reply from Ulm


SCHWIEBERT: Do you accept also married couples or unmarried partners?
NIEBIUS: In the nursing of old people there are hardly married couples. But in our family we have also cared for married couples and unmarried partners.

SCHWIEBERT: Which are the monthly costs for each person for the normal care programme (without nursing)?
NIEBIUS: Without nursing the costs are 56,84 € per day. More information is in our homepage.

SCHWIEBERT: Since when does this project exist?
NIEBIUS: The "Altenpflegefamile" was founded in 1982

SCHWIEBERT: Do you know other families who are offering something similar?
NIEBIUS: In the meantime there are some families who are doing something similar. We would like to mention just one who we know better and know that they are doing a good job: Sister Gertrud Wahl in Herdecke.

SCHWIEBERT: Is there a high demand for this type of living form?
NIEBIUS: Our 4 places are always occupied. Since 20 years we have 100% occupancy. Each week we receive calls from 1-2 persons asking for help.

SCHWIEBERT: How satisfied are your lodgers, are there any (written) statements?
NIEBIUS: We state that our lodgers are rather satisfied with us. But we are very satisfied with them too. It is not uncommon, that in the course of the years, several persons from the same family come to us. It is also said: "If I need nursing care one days, than only in family Niebius in Herdecke!" In order to find out more, one would have to ask the family members. The old people living currently in our house are satisfied and happy. Just ask them personally!

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