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Reply from Ulm


In Bielefeld they have to pay ~ approx. 1428 Euros for daily care and additional help for household supplies. The one who needs help at night too, would have to pay approx. another 460 Euros a month.

If only little help is needed the group can order the ambulance service for a shorter time, they can also make use of an emergency call system.

The nursing care insurances: What do they pay?

Stage I: 382 Euros
Stage II:  918 Euros
Stage III: 1428 Euros

These sums do not cover the real costs. The members of the housing group must be able to afford the costs. In a special professional nursing house the costs can be lower -as the professionals get more money from the insurance. Nevertheless this group of seniors prefers the more individual way of life in a small group to life in a professional nursing home.

It's interesting to read in the Internet that a small group of seniors tries to organize such housing groups in warmer countries. They try to find partners who are willing to move to Greece, to Tenerife or even to Florida.

Please note, that the above rates are based on values from Winter/Spring 2002.

Stadelhofer, Ühlein, Körting : SALOMON Project
WDR: Service Zeit: Seniorengemeinschaft im Vergleich zum Pflegeheim
Hermann Bausinger : in "Der Bürger im Staat" S. 166ff Wohngemeinschaften