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Reply from Ulm


SCHWIEBERT: What is the average age of the lodgers? From which age onwards will
they be admitted?
NIEBIUS: The average age is presently 84 years. We had already younger lodgers. The admitted age does not play an important role, but as a rule, mostly older people join our family.

SCHWIEBERT: Do you accept also persons who need nursing care and up to which degree?
NIEBIUS: Normally we accept only persons who need nursing care up to nursing degree 3+, occasionally also persons with geronto-psychiatric problems are accepted

SCHWIEBERT: If yes, how big is the nursing effort in relation to the general effort of caring for old people (in %)?
NIEBIUS: Normally 50/50 %. However it can also be that the nursing care is higher, than it is 25 % supervision and 75% care.

SCHWIEBERT: Are there any common activities with your family members, if yes please give 1-2 examples?
NIEBIUS: We are living together with the old people. This alone is sufficient "activity". The family stimulus in all its various forms livens up and sustains. Other activities are: occasional celebrations with our lodgers and their relatives. Walks through the forest accompanied by our children, shopping tours, visits of relatives or the doctor, 2-3 times common holidays on our holiday residence "Martinshof" in Brandenburg-Prignitz).