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Reply from Ulm


3. Inter-generational living (Generationsgemischtes Wohnen)

Aging together in a Service House. Example in Berlin Deacon-Service Centre.

In Berlin Deacon-Service Centre live approx. 500 people - old and young. Living together of different generations should prevent isolation and contribute to mutual understanding and confidence.

The idea of fostering communities of people of different generations through joint accommodation came originally from Sweden. In a Service House, in this case several blocks of flats with common areas, people of different family situations and ages live together. Through the creation of the service house, a place was created for people who have to rely on help and support. The concept can only function, when as many as possible of the inhabitants knows their abilities and makes them available to the others.

The old people live in a block with age-specific equipped flats. The Service House is not an old peoples nursing home. The condition for acceptance is that the newcomers must be at least 60 years of age and be able to live independently in their flat. When they need nursing care later, this can be provided by a deacon service in the locality. They can receive a day care and there is also a "Wohngemeinschaft " (a shared accommodation) for people who need care all the time.

Description: Accommodation consists of 1 and 2 room flats for seniors, 1+1/2 rooms flats for singles (also with children), 3 to 3+1/2 rooms for families with handicap dependants. These are social flats and are all rented.
Special services include educational care of problem children and youth; advisory service to single women with children, advisory service for elderly care and work as well as organisation of culture events and leisure time.
