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Reply from Ulm


SCHWIEBERT: How do your children behave towards the older people? Is there frequent personal contact? Are the older lodgers sometimes advisers for them? (For instance, we at Ulm have a successful project group "Old help young".)
NIEBIUS: Myriam and Melanie were only 3-4 years old when we began our "Altenpflegefamilie" project". Martin and Tobias were born into this family. The contact to the old people is completely relaxed, kind and all have equal rights. Myriam has for example learned to play piano from one of our ladies, Martin learned handicraft from one of our gentlemen. Together they made wood carvings. There are many examples how the young can learn from the old and vice versa.. However, our lodgers are getting older when they join our house and the need for nursing care is increasing. We experience here a human exchange on behalf of our children. The older people like to spend time with young people and feel closeness and warmth. All old people like the faces of children and young people. They remember-their own youth and tell eagerly about this. Young people like to listen to these stories.