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_ Old Town Centres in Crisis
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Old Town Centres in Crisis


Recreating a community

Linking the social and physical aspects of the "old town centre" is pivotal to study groups' conclusions with their invitation to create or re-establish common "social" spaces for gathering in the old town centre and with their expectations for the promotion of social and cultural activities there.
The old town centre belongs to all of us, its past history is firmly rooted in the cultural heritage of our communities.
The present proposal aims at giving a role to the old town centre that no other urban area is able to play, it also recognizes a need to give back its dignity to that space, to protect it from degrade and to make access, sites and monuments more attractive.
The Universities for mature students point to the old town centre as to a place where each age group (the young and the elderly in particular) can find common ground and where it is possible for different age groups to interact and therefore to come together socially.