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_ Old Town Centres in Crisis
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Old Town Centres in Crisis


Quality of life

The study groups from the Universities for mature students have also pointed out another important element in their research. The old town centre could become the ideal example of social and personal life. The research recognizes a need for the old town centre to play the role of a museum especially when it comes to freeing it from traffic or restricting its access with the introduction of pedestrian areas. However, and most importantly, it offers suggestions aimed at making that area a living modern space by creating walks, cycle tracks and green areas for pedestrians easily accessible from "park and ride" facilities. The old town centre will then play a double role as a social link for the whole community and as a space focusing on the individual.
This "new" old town centre will be furnished but it will not become a show piece for old-fashioned street lights, for benches or flower arrangements. Researchers from the Universities have given their preference to an old town centre with plenty of green space, leisure and relaxing places, and lighting that enhance its artistic characteristics: it should become the symbol and inspiration of quality in real life.