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Answer from Lyon


Question 3: Sociological approach : "HOME SWEET HOME" (SOCIAL space to live in)
How was the evolution of home living styles in your country, since 1950, i.e. activities and family lifestyle at home, and which differences you consider to exist when several generations react to this question (grandparents, parents, grandchildren points of view? ).


  • In the after war period, the concept of "family group" remain strong, but many of them are partially destroyed or scattered.
  • The family group is now reduced to the couple and its children.


  • The liberalisation of the manners and principles of life in the seventies ditends the family links.
  • The children leave quickly the parents to settle down in new flats, better equipped but with the inconvenient of promiscuity (noise of neighbourhood, lack of space, etc.).


  • Economic crises and unemployment tighten again the family links.
  • Children stay for longer time with their parents .
  • Come back of moral principles foster coexistence in the family cell , which was impossible before .