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  Dreieck nach obenSelf-organised Learning Groups in Europe
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    _Arnhem Group  
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_ _ Doke Doude van Troostwijk
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_ _ Hannie Pelleboer-Beuker
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_ _ A self-study-group in a non-universitary institute
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_ Concluding Report
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Concluding Report


A.8.2 When to organise the Homepage course?

A captivating development was the discussion on a number of occasions to start a course on building a website. During the initial stage and halfway the project this possibility had been turned down several times. There was no time and people especially dreaded the extra workload. One could not estimate the effects of a course on web site managing on the workload.
Not until the second stage of the project did four participants have time to frequent an orientation course on making a homepage.
After that remarks could be heard like:
¨We should have done this in the beginning of the project.¨
¨This would have been a great opportunity to tell about the progress of the project. ¨
¨We would have had a central source of information as to agreements and tasks.¨
Both the workload of the thematic research and the unfamiliarity with the advantages of a website thwarted such a training in the beginning of the project.
This resulted in the following learning experience:

Learning experience 11: Clearly formulate objectives as to the required level of training beforehand.
The conclusion is that the organisation had better formulate the objectives in advance as to the required training of the participants in the different fields and should actually organise this training during the beginning of the project.

It is all about preparing the participants for the project adequately. This goes for computer training as well as research planning and methodology.

A.9 Collective activities not directly having to do with the project.

When group processes are gathering momentum collective activities may contribute to cohesion.
In Arnhem we, among other things, visited an exposition on bread and wine and concluded the day with a dinner together.
Later the group, guided by one of the team members, who also happens to be a city guide in Arnhem, made a walk through the newly renovated medieval cellars in our town.

A.10 A brief summary of the thematic research.

In a separate report the developments of the thematic subject will be mentioned more extensively. Nevertheless some attention will be paid to the thematic research. It has been a special process which required the exploration of the theme Senior Citizens and Living to get a comprehensive view of the enormous amount of information that has already been written on this subject. It has elements of a voyage of discovery. It can also be compared with the assembling of a jigsaw puzzle without the example of the final picture being available.

a. Beforehand limitations had been set by focusing the research on the stage during which the elderly are being faced with the question: ¨Can I stay in my own home independently?¨.

After a rough picture had been obtained the next step was taken towards more planning.
A self-study group in particular can add a personal touch to the topic of research.
The Arnhem self-study group turned the information on Senior Citizens and Living, which was mainly drafted scientifically and in accordance with policy, into a useful resource for senior citizens.
The process resulted in the following guideline: ¨Am I able to give a close friend proper advice in a situation as described above? ¨
The information has been edited into a summary, in which all the relevant aspects of the personal living circumstances are clear. Thus the scheme is a resource for the senior citizen to come to compare the pros and cons during the process of deciding.
This working method is a fine example of how a self-study group can put existing information in a totally new framework.