  [ZAWiW] [gemeinsamlernen] [LiLL]
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_ _ Hannie Pelleboer-Beuker
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_ _ A self-study-group in a non-universitary institute
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_ Concluding Report
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Concluding Report


C. Particulars.

C.1 Nomination International Prize in connection with the Week of Learning 2001.

In September the U3A/Volksuniversiteit was glad to receive an invitation for the campaign-start of the annual Week of Learning.
The Week of Learning is a Dutch government initiative as a reaction to the call of Unesco to promote adult education.
The U3A/Volksuniversiteit was, by taking part in the international SoLiLL project, one of the seven projects that had been nominated for the international Prize in connection with the Week of Learning 2001. Eventually the first prize was awarded to an international re-integration project.

C.2 Political consequences of the thematic research.

C.2.1. Political activities 1.

Studying the theme Senior Citizens and Living led to a number of special activities.
The Arnhem organisation of co-operating organisations for the elderly has shown interest in our research from the very start. It also granted a subsidy and enabled the members of the team to partake in a number of activities.
Two team members travelled to Gladbeck in Germany for an exchange on housing for senior citizens.
The participation in a number of symposia was facilitated.
Because there were elections in Holland for the municipal councils a representative of our team
addressed a gathering of local politicians and told them about our conclusions as to desires relating to the issue of Senior Citizens and Living.

C.2.2. Political activities 2.

Since a few months Arnhem has a new (female) mayor. She attended one of our self-study group meetings while visiting the ¨Volksuniversiteit Arnhem¨. We told her about the SoLiLL-project, like the international aspect, the self-study methodology and about our methodical research.
The mayor promised us we would be welcome to exchange thoughts with the officials involved after having finished the contents of our report.

C.3 Lecture on Senior Citizens and Living

During the preparation of the SoLiLL-project it had already been agreed upon that at the end of the project the participants would give a lecture on the results of our research.
On 21 March 2002 almost 40 senior citizens came to listen to introductory lectures by a number of team members. During the discussions it became clear that the theme had appealed to many senior citizens.