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_ _ Hannie Pelleboer-Beuker
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_ _ A self-study-group in a non-universitary institute
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_ Concluding Report
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Concluding Report


D. Final evaluation and conclusions.

D.1. Final evaluation.

The final evaluation did not become an extensive one for practical reasons.
After all an evaluation often starts with two questions:
1. What is the purpose of this evaluation?
2. How can the evaluation add to what you already know.

During a plenary meeting on 16 May 2002 the elements of thematic research, the role of ICT, co-operation and a number of general aspects will be discussed with the participants.
How do participants regard the quality of the thematic research with regard to the background of their personal antecedents?
What is their opinion as to the balance between efforts regarding the research and the final report?
How can the importance of ICT for the research and the routine of the team be described?
What have been the most important characteristics of the co-operation?
What would be the ideal duration of a project according to participants?
What would be an acceptable amount of time to be spent by participants each week?
Special conclusions of this meeting will be reported on separately.

D.2 Positive conclusions.

A wonderful experience.
Despite tensions of various kinds our participation in this SoLiLL-project was a wonderful experience.
A number of processes are worth mentioning. Very special was the personal experience as to practising the theoretical learning model learning through Research by the self-study group.
The experience of how to assign the responsibility for the thematic research totally to the group was also striking.
It has been a very intensive learning experience with a group of people that became closer and closer which resulted in a number of precious interactions.
Surprisingly the thematic research Senior Citizens and Living generated a lot more than could be expected of this group of non-professional researchers.
During the November meeting in Ulm a number of contacts were established with representatives of several European institutes which laid the basis for further international exchanges in the future.

D.3 The end.

The final learning experience: Make sure the project is properly finished.

As mentioned earlier the project is an intensive one, during which participants contribute a lot. We think it is important for the group to be able to finish the project in a special way and to be able to say goodbye to each other. We think that a dinner together, during which each of the participants takes care of a part of the menu, is a good way.

Arnhem May 2002
Ingeborg Paijens
Rein Mulder