  [ZAWiW] [gemeinsamlernen] [LiLL]
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  Dreieck nach obenGemeinsamLernen  
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  Dreieck nach obenSelf-organised Learning Groups in Europe
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  Dreieck nach obenMethods
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    _Evaluation Criteria  
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_ _ Introduction
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_ Observation
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_ _ Interaction
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_ _ Communication
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_ _ Evaluation Grid
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First unit of analysis: INTEGRATION IN THE PROJECT

Dimensions to be observed:

1.1. Identification with the project and acknowledgement of its objectives. Indicators:

1.1.1. Weekly attendance: Who and which what frequency attends the group meetings?
1.1.2. Long term permanence in the project: Has anybody abandoned the project? Are those people temporarily out of the group willing to update their knowledge about the project evolution?
1.1.3. Acknowledgement of the project's objectives: How members of the group show their (mis)understanding about the proposed aims of the project?
1.1.4. Explicit and latent attitudes towards the project's objectives: Agreement, resistance, reluctance, negotiation, critical acceptation,...
1.1.5. Interest and expectations regarding inter-groups international collaboration: Comments on the format of international contacts, perceptions about other's countries contributions in the project, discussions on answering questions proposed by international partners,...
1.1.6. Attitudes towards New Technologies individual use in the project -specially regarding communicational aspects of that use.
1.1.7. Volunteering to accomplish different tasks in the project: Who volunteers to do what and why?
1.1.8. Implication degree in the project: Subjective measure produced by the evaluator after the previous seven indicators.

1.2. Participation along working sessions. Indicators:

1.2.1. Attention paid by the members of the group along the sessions.
1.2.2. Participation style: Frequency, content and volunteer/solicited character of the interventions.
1.2.3. Communication with the project co-ordinators: Questions addressed, critical comments, suggestions about their co-ordinating role,...
1.2.4. Degree of attention paid to others' interventions along the sessions: What kind of attitude show the persons in the group while one of them is presenting his/her work/questions/comments?
1.2.5. Group preferences regarding learning styles/methods and contents in the project.
1.2.6. Procedures to accomplish individual and group tasks: Working practices develop by the group members along their work in the project.

1.3. Participation's results. Indicators:

1.3.1. Individual/group realisation of tasks agreed upon: Level of accomplishment, capacity to implement these tasks, obstacles found, deadlines met,...
1.3.2. Individual/group learning: Evaluators' perception about how successful has been the learning process in its different aspects (learning to research, learning to use New Technologies, learning to work in group,...). Later on, along the in-depth interviews, each person in the groups will be asked to produce a self-evaluation about her/his learning experience.
1.3.3. Assessment of the final product's quality: What the utility of the products produced in the project might be?
1.3.4. Degree of satisfaction achieved by members of the group.