  [ZAWiW] [gemeinsamlernen] [LiLL]
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  Dreieck nach obenGemeinsamLernen  
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  Dreieck nach obenSelf-organised Learning Groups in Europe
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  Dreieck nach obenMethods
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    _Evaluation Criteria  
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_ _ Evaluation Grid
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Second unit of analysis: GROUP WORKING

Dimensions to be observed:

2.1. Interpersonal relations. Indicators:

2.1.1. General context regarding relations in the group: Mutual respect, cooperation, friendship,...
2.1.2. Relational affinities among group members: Subgroups formation, one-to-one friendship, proximity (both physical and emotional),... 
2.1.3. Leadership and/or rivalries in the group.
2.1.4. Isolation in the group: Are there persons in the group who are set aside?
2.1.5. Relational changes as the project evolves: subgroups reshaped, pairs,... 

2.2. Structure: Group construction. Indicators:

2.2.1. Age, sex, and socio-economic/educational variables of the group members.
2.2.2. Roles played by the different persons in the group.
2.2.3. Physical characteristics of the setting in which the group works
2.2.4. Spatial distribution of the persons in the group along the sessions: Who does sit where and by whom?
2.2.5. Communication and intergenerational relations -if it is the case--.
2.2.6. Communication and gender relations -if it is the case--.
2.2.7. Formal and informal group formation and its influence on the project implementation.
2.2.8. Subjective group identification: Does it exist a group consciousness?

2.3. Dynamic: Group functioning

2.3.1. Group decision-making: How are decisions understood and implemented by the persons in the group?
2.3.2. Attitude towards group agreements: Acceptation, refusal, resignation, critical contribution,...
2.3.3. Group's arguments: Frequency, development, participants, results,...
2.3.4. Group conflicts' emergence and resolution.
2.3.5. (= 1.2.4.) Degree of attention paid to others' interventions along the sessions: What kind of attitude show the persons in the group while one of them is presenting his/her work/questions/comments?
2.3.6. Degree of attention paid by the members in the group to co-ordinator/s contributions.