  [ZAWiW] [gemeinsamlernen] [LiLL]
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  Dreieck nach obenGemeinsamLernen  
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  Dreieck nach obenSelf-organised Learning Groups in Europe
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Interaction as an indicator of member participation and cohesion

Studies an small groups have pointed out that lively and productive groups feature high quantity and quality interaction among its members.

The more members interact, the more dynamic, lively anti unified the group appears. This survey should however be integrated by data on the participation and involvement of all group members.

Most of the members should be involved in interaction and this interaction should be positively felt by all of them. A tolerant anti trustworthy climate should be created within the group.

 The group coordinator should stimulate both the extension of communication to all members and the creation of a positive climate. Interaction tends to create both the cohesion and anxiety that prevent people from leaving the group. Interaction is the binding method of all small groups.