Women's Portraits

Atanasa Sgalevska

Atanasa Sgalevska is 65 years old woman. She has a son and a daughter. She is living together with them in the family house.

“The most difficult moment in my life is when 11 years ago my husband died. Two years later, on the same date I have had brain stroke. My children took care for me. There were long days, weeks and months of rehabilitation.”

“When I felt better I decided that if I could I would help to the people in need I have to do it. From this moment I am a BRC volunteer, I am a part of different activities to support vulnerable groups, for lobbing and advocacy activities, related to the older people problems in our regions”.

“The greatest feeling for me is when I see happiness in the eyes of the people. And I will do everything to do this to end of my life, because this is way of life”.

Atanasa Sgalevska

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