Women's Portraits

Elena Ivanova

Elena Ivanova  is 81 years old woman. She was born in one of the biggest town in Bulgaria, which is near to the black sea – Bourgas, but now she is living in one small village in the other part of Bulgaria. She has 2 daughters and 4 grandchildren – two girls and two boys. “She has high educational level – she is a teacher.

“I was born in Bourgas. My father was born in Belomorska Trakia. My grandfather was a soldier. He was 4 years old when the Balkan war was. One night the Turkish soldier attacked their home, raped his mother and after that killed her. The neighbors helped him and they become migrants in South Bulgaria. One man and his family adopted him. “

“Sorry, I am not sure that this story is interesting for you, but I think that the history of the family is very important for the individual life. “

“I left in Bourgas together with my family – 2 brothers and one sister. When I was 23 years old I met my future husband. It was a love for first sign. He was a soldier in the town. I saw him 3 times and he left back to his born town. 3 years we wrote letters to each other and when we understood that we love each other – we got married. And this was one of the most difficult periods in my life – because my parents was not agree with this  - he was from poor family and they thought that I will have a difficult life with him. But they were not right. “

“When I went to the home town of my husband I became a teacher in one of the schools there. 7 years later I become a director of the school and it was till the time when I became a pensioner. But this was a new begging of my life. I started to work with children, from minority groups, who have problems in their mental development and social adaptation. About 20 years I am working with these children and it is a real pleasure for me. I help them for their social inclusion. Nowadays, 7 of them have high education and 5 of them have their own business.”

“Because of my health problems now I ‘m working with only one child, who is 9 years old, but he cannot read and write. I am sure that I will help him and I do all my best.”

“I am very proud with my children and they are the most important thing in my life. Together with my husband – my best friend”.

Elena Ivanova

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