Women's Portraits

Ona Šeštakauskienė

Ona is 84 years old. She is a Doctor of Technical Sciences. She spent most of her time in Kaunas, Lithuania. Ona has a son, who lives in France. The woman didn’t become a grandmother. She is happy now, as she likes travelling around the country and making photographs of flowers, landscapes, national feasts, churches. She is interested in Lithuania history and she likes her country very much. She has learned the basic computer skills at the age 84, and thinks that communication through the Internet is very important for elderly people.


Ona was born in Lithuania, Vilkaviškis County, in the countryside. Now she lives in Kaunas.  Mostly memories are from Kaunas. She says that she is satisfied about her life style.  It depended on the historical and everyday life challenges. Thinking about the future she wants a good health, to live longer independently without the help of the others. 

All periods of her life she finds important, but the most memorable is a childhood, the year 1932, when the parents' farm was sold, occupation of Lithuania by the Soviets in 1940, beginning of the war in 1941.

The second day of the war her father was killed. Ona’s parents were farmers during the period before collectivization. With both of them she lived till 14 years old, after father’s death, with mother, and later - with relatives. In the family they had six daughters.

She wanted to study medicine, but it was not possible, so she has chosen the studies of food technology.  Ona remembers her colleges with thankfulness, because the trust and responsibility in relationships was among all of them. It helped a lot implementing her goals.

Family means everything to her. Taking care of the family did not prevent her from working and taking care of her personal goals. 2-nd period of life - was Ona’s main way of life success.  Her son now lives and works in France.  He frequently comes to Lithuania. They are keeping in touch with a means of modern communication.

Life after 60 years old has been fruitful. When she became retired, she sat to fulfill the commitment to write the book for the students.  It took 3 years.

“I do not think too much about death, it must occur quite naturally,” – says Ona. She considers the core values ​​of health, family, social stability and employment. The future of society seems difficult to imagine for her. It is very confusing as the world is rapidly changing every day, it is difficult to talk about any kind of permanence.

She would advise the younger generations to live according to the conscience. It is very important to trust someone and remember what is being said by the word "honor."

Liucija Paškevičienė

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