Women's Portraits

Maria Todorova

Maria Todorova  is 78 years woman. She has 3 daughters – two of them are living in Spain, the other one died 17 years ago. She went to school only 3 years, because her parents were very poor, but they had a little farm and she had to help them in their work.

“I had really difficult life. I was married when I was 17 years old. My husband died 8 years later. This is one of the saddest memories in my life, because I loved him very much, he was the sense of my life. I was alone with three little children. I never married again.  I was alone – together with my children – I was a mother and father for them. I worked in one factory, but I ensured their education. I thought that this is the most important thing for them and I hoped that they will have a really good and happy life. “

“The pleasant moments were when I gave birth to my daughters, but the real shock for me was 17 years ago, when Vera – my daughter died. You cannot imagine how I felt in this moment – the most difficult moment for every mother- to live more than her children. Now the other two daughters are living in Spain, together with their husbands and my grandchildren – I didn’t see them about 4 years.”

“Now I am living alone, but I am not feeling alone. I am a part of one group of pensioners, who are going in one of the homes for children who have no parents and relatives. Once a week we are going in home – there are really nice, beautiful and smart children, who never felt the love of the parents. My children are living far away from me and I try to help to the orphans to feel the love from grandmother. Now, they are the sense of my life.”

“I have a really bad health problem now. I am not sure how long I will be alive. But I want to say that the most important think of this life is to love each other and to help the people who need a support. Now I need a support and the Red Cross helps me. Thank you very much! If I feel better and go out from the hospital I will continue with the visits to the orphans and to try helping them.”

Maria Todorova

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