Ljubljana, June 2, 2011
The last in the series meetings was held on the premises of the Ljubljana Third Age University on June 2. It was dedicated to reflections on preservation of the environment and sustainable development, to decide what we can , or rather must, do to preserve our environment and its wealth for future generations. The guest speaker, Ljubo Mohorič, a philosopher interested primarily in man’s relationship to nature through history, illuminated the issue from the philosophical and ethical point of view. He juxtaposed the concept of sustainable development and co-natural development, stressing the importance of environmental ethics, which requires respect for and protection of all essences in nature, not merely because of their possible economic, cognitive, aesthetic, medicinal and psychological benefits for man, but also because of the intrinsic value they possess.
In the second part of the meetings the participants discussed in groups what can be done with sustainable development within the ecological, economic and social spheres.
on the individual (moderator dr. Aleš Zupan) and on social (moderator dr. Dušana Findeisen) levels.