On the 30th of November, in the frame of a web-based conference of the project Danube-Networkers Lectures (DALEC), the DANET partners Alexandru Strunga from the University of Craiova, Romania and Emilia Velikova from the University of Rousse, Bulgaria, presented the final results from the project DANET that ended at the end of November. Both Mrs Velikova and Mr Strunga spoke about the far-reaching effects that the project DANET had on their organisations as well as the field of seniors’ education in general.
Taking part in the web-based conference were representatives from the Christian University College of Teacher Education in Vienna, from the Andrassy University in Budapest, from the University of Belgrade and the Association for Humane Ageing in Belgrad, the members of the Pensioners’ Association in Rousse, the members of the Donabüro Ulm Neu/Ulm and ZAWiW of Ulm University and the senior participants of the Grundtvig Workshop at Ulm University “The Use of the Internet for Seniors- Creative, Cooperative, Europe-wide” from Poland, Spain, Slovenia, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia and Germany.
Results of DANET presented in an international web-based conference
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