We -Slovenes - gained our full sovereignty and our own state only in the last decade of the 20th century. Surrounded by more numerous, politically and economically stronger neighbours we have managed to preserve our language and our ways, instituting and preserving our identity through culture.
What has formed us?
What makes us Slovenes?
What values would we, senior citizens, like to pass on to younger generations?
What values do we share with other Europeans?
Have we got only one identity?
Why and how are regional and national identities changing?
Is multiculturalism a danger for a nation’s identity?
How can we protect our cultural heritage and identity within EU in face of multinational corporations and consumerism?
These and similar issues will be discussed at the 2nd Danet meeting in Ljubljana on April 5.
More info on Slovene websites after the panel had taken place. See panel Identiteta.