Sulsit LogoThe State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (SULSIT) is a state higher education institution created with the National Assembly Resolution on 2nd September 2004, transformed with a Resolution of the National Assembly on 02.09.2004. SULSIT is a successor to the Library Institute, founded in 1950, transformed into the College of Library Studies and Information Technologies on 3rd April 2003. SULSIT become officially University with decision of the Parliament and this decision was published in the State Newspaper on 05.10.2010.

During its brief history as university institution, SULSIT became one of the most prestigious higher education institutes. According to the rating of the 48 Bulgarian universities and higher education institutes, annually published by the newspapers, for the last 3 years, SULSIT has been always ranked within the first 5.

SULSIT is accredited by the National Accreditation and Evaluation Agency to perform education in Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral degrees.


Association of the University Libraries

AUL LogoThe Association of the University Libraries in Bulgaria (AUL) was founded in 2000 – President Prof. DSc. Ivanka Yankova (

The Association of the University Libraries is a natural continuation of the common work in the formed in 1978 under the management of University Library “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Board of Directors of the libraries by the High Schools and of its activity of building united information system in Bulgaria.

AUL contributes for improving and development of the library-information service in the sphere of higher education in Bulgaria, for consolidation of the professional community of university libraries and for confirmation of their active role in the information society. Her mission is to support the improvement of the library and information services in the field of the higher and vocational education in Bulgaria.

The basic aims which the Association of university libraries is striving to realize are protection of the common interest of the university libraries in deciding the questions for the statute, place, finance and transforming in digital libraries as significant and necessary component of the development of higher education on the road to the European integration.

Their main activities are: promotion of the help for facilitate access of the users to the new communication and information services; developing and realization of programs for training (education) through life long learning of the library and information specialists; leading in new information technologies in the university libraries; international cooperation with academic and university libraries in the whole world; publishing of information and educational materials in the above topics; making of power point presentations for the students, teachers and librarians.