The Teaching Staff Training Department (TSTD) is an academic unit of the University of Craiova, directly subordinated to the University Senate; it functions according to its own regulations and it cooperates with all the faculties which require a special training of the students for the teaching process; it develops and has a wide range of educational partnership with the School Inspectorates, Teaching Staff Centers etc. More than 7,500 students follow the courses of TSTD. The academic staff consists of 13 professors (being specialized in Pedagogical Sciences, Psychology, and Educational management) 5 and 39 Associate Professors (specialized in Didactics, Computer Assisted Training, and Pedagogical Training).
Window Association Romania carries out for over two years activities of supporting youth’s initiatives, especially those with special needs. It financially helped youngsters in order to develop artisticly through supporting the fees, acquisition of necessary materials, participation to national and international events and festivals. It developed partenerships in the last three years by actively involving in supporting all the initiatives of promoting youths from vulnerable groups. It organized and sustained practical and cultural initiatives of vulnerable groups, the seniors being one of the most recent and important social groups targeted.