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_ With Giessbert into the Internet
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With Gießbert into the Internet

With Gießbert into the Internet is a major Internet action in cooperation with the radio station SWR4 in Baden Württemberg. Because of its competences in Internet teaching for the age group 50+, the SWR4 radio asked ZAWiW to cooperate. The mascot Gießbert, which in the past accompanied programmes about gardening and similar popular activities, will help the participants to shed the initial fears of the new technologies.

The goal is to aid people aged 50+ who did not have much experience with the Internet in the past in the "gentle" first contact with the World Wide Web. Courses will take place at different venues in Baden-Württemberg. Voluntary "Senior-Internet-Helpers" (tutors) will support this initiative as local advisors and "multiplicators". ZAWiW, together with other seniors' Internet initiatives and the State Seniors' Council in Baden Württemberg, will create support structures for this large action. In July 2004, a workshop for "Multiplicators - "Senior-Internet-Helpers" will train these volunteers, especially in the teaching approaches for the group 50+.

Part of the action are also special offers for hard and software which should make these more affordable to seniors.