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    Dreieck nach obenEating culture / Bread  
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    Dreieck nach obenBread Culture Survey  
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    _Results Granada  
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Results Granada



a) How has bread been used in the different periods of your life?

At mealtimes: 9
As an ingredient in some dishes (soups,as a dish composed mainly of fried crumbs, to make escalopes, and other crumbed dishes such as meat balls...):5
Variable according to the period: 1
Did not respond: 1


Always as a food itself, and as a faithful accompaniment to other foods.¨

b) Was there always enough bread in your house, so that each person could eat how much and whenever (s)he wanted?

Yes: 9
No: 4 Depending on the period: 2
Did not respond: 1


The abundance or scarcity of bread varied according to the period: times of war, of drought, and of other climatic influences.¨

c) Do you remember stories or moments in your own life when there was a shortage of bread?

Yes: 8
No: 6
Did not respond: 2


“I remember that in the forties they sold bread ¨undeer the counter¨in tables in the Bibarrambla Square. These tables were packed up quickly when the police came, just as the immigrants do with their stalls today.¨

“We can say that when we visited a relative and were given a little piece of bread with olive oil, we felt that we had been given a delicious cake.¨


a) What importance did bread have in the diet in the old days?

Fundamental: 9
Very important: 5
Of little importance: 2


“Before, as food was short, it was very important to eat a lot of bread. It was put into coffee to sup, and bread and milk was part of the diet. In the poorest families they ate a lot of bread.”

b) Was there a difference in the amount of bread eaten...

1) ...between children and adults?

Yes: 9
No: 7


There wasn´t much difference, but when bread was rationed they always made sure that the children had enough.¨

2) ...between men and women?

Yes, men eat more bread: 8
There is no difference: 7
Don´t know: 1


“In the cities the women and the men usually ate the same amount; in large families the mother would go without so that there was enough for the children.”

“Bread played a similar role in the diet in the old days to the role now. However, as there was less said about the importance of a balanced diet, both the women and the men ate a lot more. Nowadays the men eat more bread than the women, and the country people more than those who live in the city.”

3) ... between city and country dwellers, between factory workers and farm labourers?

Between city and country dwellers:

Yes: 8
No: 6
Did not respond: 2


“As the men who lived in the country planted wheat, there was always flour in the house and they never went short of bread.¨